ACE | Flight Mission Controller |
ACM | Activity Constraint Manager |
ActID | Activity ID |
AD | Activity Dictionary |
ADR | Adaptive Data Rate |
AEGIS | Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (rover software for intelligent targeting & data acquisition) |
AFT | Allowable Flight Temperatures |
AM | Before noon (a.m. time) |
APAM | Activity Plan Approval Meeting |
APGEN | Activity Plan Generator |
APID | Applications Process Identification |
APSS | Activity Planning and Sequencing Subsystem |
APXS | Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer |
ART | Anomaly Response Team |
ATLO | Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations |
BASIE | Bridging Activity planning and Sequence Integration Engineer |
BATR | Bagnold Access Traverse |
BCB | Battery Controller Board |
BK | Buckskin (drill sample) |
BP | Blueprint |
BS | Big Sky (drill sample) |
C&DH | Command and Data Handling |
CAM | Command Approval Meeting |
CAP | Characterization Activity Phase |
CB | Cumberland (drill sample) |
CBM | Communication Behavior Manager |
CC | Contamination Control |
CCB | Change Control Board |
CCBU | ChemCam Body Unit |
CCCT | ChemCam Calibration Targets |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
CCL | Commerce Control List (for EAR) |
CCMU | ChemCam Mast Unit |
CDC | Condensed Drilling Campaign |
CDPID | Camera-assigned Data Product ID |
CDS | Central Data Store |
CEDL | Cruise & EDL |
CETN | Counter of Epithermal Neutrons |
CFO | Candidate for Observation |
CH | Confidence Hills (drill sample) |
ChemCam | Chemistry and Camera |
CheMin | Chemistry and Mineralogy |
CHIMRA | Collection and Handling for Interior Martian Rock Analysis |
CIA | Chemical Index of Alteration |
CM | Configuration Management |
CMSA | Cruise Mission Support Area |
CogE | Cognizant Engineer |
COM | Communication Window |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check, a data error detection technique |
CRISM | Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (on MRO) |
CS | Contact Science |
CSPL | Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (for SAM) |
CSV | Comma Separated Value |
CSW | Contact Switch |
CTN | Counter of Thermal Neutrons |
CTS | Coax Transfer Switch |
CTX | Context Camera (on MRO) |
DAN | Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons |
DAWG | Data Archive Working Group |
DB | Database |
DBE | Double Bit Error |
DD | Dust Devil |
DDI | Defined Data Item |
DE | Detectors/Electronics (on the DAN instrument) |
DEA | Digital Electronics Assembly (for MMM cameras) |
DEM | Digital Elevation Map |
DFE | Direct from Earth |
DL | Downlink |
DM | Data Management |
DMT | Data Management Tool |
DMX | Data Management |
DOD | Depth of Discharge |
DOF | Degree of Freedom |
DOM | Distributed Object Manager |
DOSA | Deactivate Other Sequences (All of them) |
DOY | Day of Year |
DP | Data Product |
DPSR | Data Product Summary Report |
DRT | Dust Removal Tool |
DSN | Deep Space Network |
DTE | Direct to Earth |
DV | Data Volume |
DVT | Data Validity Time (DVT approximately correlates to the SCLK time that the data product was created by the Rover Compute Element (RCE) |
E/S | Engineering/Science |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations |
EBT | Electrical Baseline Test (for SAM) |
ECAM | Engineering Cameras (Navcams & Hazcams) |
ECCN | Export Control Classification Number (for EAR) |
ECR | Engineering Change Request |
ECS | Evolved Cached Sample (the new way of caching in CHIMRA) |
EDL | Entry, Descent, and Landing |
EDR | Experiment Data Record |
EGA | Evolved Gas Analysis |
EHA | Engineering Housekeeping and Accountability |
EKO | Engineering Keepout |
ELT | Electra Lite UHF radio |
EM | Extended Mission |
ENV | Atmosphere and Environment Science Theme Group |
EO | Engineering Operations |
EPO | Education and Public Outreach |
ERT | Earth Receive Time |
ET | Earth Time |
E-Tray | Engineering Observation Tray |
ETT | Earth Transmit Time |
EUL | Engineering Uplink Lead |
EVR | Event Verification Record |
FEI | File Exchange Interface |
FHAZ | Front Hazcam |
FINCON | FINal CONditions (for SEQGEN) |
FL | Focal Length |
FMFT | Fast Motion Field Test (held in 2011) |
FMWI | Full MAHLI Wheel Imaging |
FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
FOV | Field of View |
FP | Fault Protection |
FR | Flight Rule |
FSTB | Flight Software Testbed |
FSW | Flight Software |
FSWX | Flight Software Transition (upgrade to a new version) |
FTA | First Time Activity |
GAZ CAL | Calibration of G (G = the winding conductance of a motor) |
GC | Gas Chromatograph |
GC | Garden City |
GCM | Global Circulation Model (atmosphere) |
GCMS | Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer |
GCR | Galactic Cosmic Ray |
GDS | Ground Data System |
GDSA | Ground Data System Analyst |
GEO | Geology Science Theme Group |
GH | Greenhorn (drill sample) |
GIL | Ground in the Loop (allows time for people on Earth to study downlink data from Mars) |
GOP | Group of Pictures (JPEG video frames) |
GST | Generic Sol Time (same as LMST) |
GTS | Ground Temperature Sensor (on REMS) |
Hazcam | Hazard avoidance camera |
HEOMD | Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate |
HePPI | Helpful Product Priority Identifier (for MMM products) |
HGA | High Gain Antenna |
HGAG | High Gain Antenna Gimbal |
HiRISE | High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (on MRO) |
HO | Handover |
HRIM | High Resolution Interval Mode (for the REMS Humidity Sensor) |
HRS | Heat Rejection System |
HS | Humidity Sensor |
HW | Hardware |
IC | Inlet Cover (inlets for SAM and CheMin) |
IE | Instrument Engineer |
IML | Instrument Management Layer (software for communication between RCE and the science instruments) |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
INCON | INitial CONditions (for SEQGEN) |
IPA | Integrated Pump Assembly |
IPE | Integrated Planning and Execution |
ISA | Incident, Surprise, Anomaly (report) |
ISR | Internal Series Resistance (of a battery) |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
IVP | Inertial Vector Pointing |
JK | John Klein (drill sample) |
KO | Kickoff |
KOP | Keeper of the Plan |
LAP | Look Ahead Plan |
LAPM | Look Ahead Plan Meeting |
LCA | Launch, Cruise, and Approach |
LCC | Load Control Card |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LGA | Low Gain Antenna |
LIBS | Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (in ChemCam) |
LL | Local Level (coordinate frame) |
LMST | Local Mean Solar Time |
LOCO | LOw COmplexity LOssless COmpression |
LOS | Line of Sight |
LS | Listing (of DMX files) |
LST | Local Solar Time |
LTP | Long Term Planner |
LTST | Local True Solar Time |
M/S | Master/Submaster |
M/SM | Master/Submaster Walkthrough |
MAHLI | Mars Hand Lens Imager |
MARDI | Mars Descent Imager |
MaROS | Mars Relay Operations Service |
Mastcam | Mast Camera |
MAVEN | Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN |
MDM | MMM Data Management Lead |
MEDLI | Mars EDL Instrument |
MER | Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit & Opportunity rovers) |
MEX | Mars Express |
MGS | Mars Global Surveyor |
MIF | Mass-Independent Fractionation (for example:MIF-S for sulfur isotopes) |
MIN | Inorganic Geochemistry and Mineralogy Science Theme Group |
MiniKOP | KOP for a Science Theme Group |
MJ | Mojave 2 (drill sample) |
MM | Mission Manager |
MMM | Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI instruments |
MMPAT | Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool |
MMRTG | MultiMission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
MMS | Mojave Mars Simulant |
MOB | Mobility |
MPCS | Mission data Processing and Control Subsystem |
MPSEditor | Mission Planning and Sequencing Editor |
MRO | Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter |
MRS-1 | Mars Regolith Simulant-1 |
MS | Mission System |
MSA | Mission Support Area |
MSAR | Mount Sharp Ascent Route |
MSL | Mars Science Laboratory |
MSLICE | Mars Science Laboratory InterfaCE (software) |
MSoB | Mount Sharp or Bust (working group) |
MSSS | Malin Space Science Systems |
MSTB | Mission System Testbed |
MTIF | MSL Telecom Interface |
MTL | MMM Tactical Lead |
MySQL | My Structured Query Language |
NAIF | Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility |
NAND | N(OT) + AND (a type of nonvolatile storage) |
NAV | Navigation |
Navcam | Navigation camera |
nextersol | tomorrow's Mars day (or "solorrow") |
NG | noble gas |
NOPE | Network Operations Planning Engineer |
NPM | Nonvolatile Parameter Management |
NSYT | InSight |
NVM | Nonvolatile Memory |
NVMCAM | Nonvolatile Memory Camera Interface |
OCM | Organic Check Material |
ODS | Operational Data Store |
ODY | Mars Odyssey |
OIA | Operational Interface Agreement |
OPGS | Operational Product Generation Subsystem |
ORT | Operational Readiness Test |
O-Tray | Observation Tray |
OWLT | One Way Light Time |
PADS | Powder Acquisition Drill System |
PAM | Power & Analog Module |
PDC | Payload Downlink Coordinator |
PDI | Post-Drive Imaging |
PDL | Payload Downlink Lead |
PDS | Planetary Data System |
PEF | Predicted Events File |
PEL | Payload Element Lead |
PEL | Power Equipment List |
PFR | Problem Failure Report |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PIRCC | Pahrump Imaging Reconnaissance and ChemCam Campaign |
PLACES | Position Localization and Attitude Correction Estimate Storage |
PLS | Partial Least Squares |
PM | Afternoon (p.m. time) |
PNG | Pulsing Neutron Generator (on DAN) |
PP | Planetary Protection |
PRI | Priority |
PRML | Preview Rover Markup Language |
PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer |
PSD | Planetary Science Division |
PSE | Project System Engineer |
PSG | Project Science Group |
PUDL | Payload Uplink and Downlink Lead |
PUL | Payload Uplink Lead |
QL | QuickLook data product |
QMDT | Qualification Model Dirty Testing (for SA/SPaH) |
QMS | Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer |
RA | Robotic Arm |
RAD | Radiation Assessment Detector |
RAD750 | BAE Systems' radiation-hardened single board version of the IBM PowerPC 750 computer |
RAMP | Rover Avionics Mounting Plate |
RAMPAGE | Remote Access Multi-mission Processing and Ground Environment |
RBAU | Rover Battery Assembly Unit |
RBF | Rover Body Fixed coordinate frame |
RCE | Rover Compute Element (rover computer) |
RCT | Record Creation Time |
RDR | Reduced Data Record |
REMS | Rover Environmental Monitoring Station |
REPRI | Reprioritize |
REU | Remote Engineering Unit |
REXMIT | Retransmit |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFA | Request For Action |
RHAZ | Rear Hazcam |
RIMU | Rover IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) |
RIPA | Rover Integrated Pump Assembly |
RMC | Rover Motion Counter |
RMCA | Rover Motor Controller Assembly |
RMI | Remote Microscopic Imager (in ChemCam) |
RMSEP | Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction |
RN | Rocknest (scoop sample) |
RNAV | Rover Navigation (coordinate frame) |
ROP | Rate of Penetration |
RoSE | Robotic Sequence Editor |
RP | Rover Planner |
RPA | Rover Power Assembly |
RPAM | Rover Power and Analog Module |
RPFA | Rover Pyro Fire Assembly |
RSM | Remote Sensing Mast |
RSVP | Rover Sequencing and Visualization Program |
RT | Real-time |
R-T | Rapid-Traverse |
RTG | Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
RTO | Real Time Operations |
RTR | Rapid Transit Route (to Mount Sharp) |
RTS | Resource Tracking System |
S/C | Spacecraft |
SAM | Sample Analysis at Mars |
SAPE | Science Activity Planning Exercise (held in 2008) |
SAPP | Surface Attitude, Positioning, and Pointing |
SA-SPaH | Sample Acquisition/Sample Processing, and Handling (arm, drill, scoop, sieves, portioners) |
SATT | Sample Analysis Thread Test |
SB | Science Block (in the activity plan) |
SBE | Single Bit Error |
SCET | Spacecraft Event Time (UTC time an event happens aboard the spacecraft) |
SCLK | Spacecraft Clock |
SCMF | Space Command Message File |
SD | Science Discussion (meeting) |
SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory |
SDST | Small Deep Space Transponder |
SEP | Solar Energetic Particle |
SEP | Sun-Earth-Probe (important angle used for conjunction planning) |
SEQ | Sequence or Sequencing |
SeqDB | Sequence database |
SEQGEN | SEQuence validation and command product GENeration |
SFP | System Fault Protection |
SIE | Sequence Integration Engineer |
SIRLi | Strategic Image Request List |
SIS | Software Interface Specification |
SMFT | Slow Motion Field Test (held in 2007) |
SMM | Strategic Mission Manager |
SMMWG | Surface Materials & Mobility Working Group |
SMSA | Surface Mission Support Area |
SNC | Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassignites (martian meteorites) |
SNTT | Surface Nominal Thread Test |
SO | Science Operations |
SOAS | Science Operations & Analysis Subsystem |
SOC | State of Charge |
SOE | Sequence of Events |
SOH | State of Health |
soliday | holiday from planning the rover's next sol, due to the alignment of Mars and Earth time |
solorrow | tomorrow's Mars day (or "nextersol") |
SOWG | Science Operations Working Group |
SP | Science Planner |
SPAM | Sample Processing Acquisition Manager |
SPaSIE | Science Planner + Sequence Integration Engineer (a combined role) |
SPICE | Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, Pointing C-Matrix, and Event Kernels |
SPL | Strategic Planning Lead |
SPS | Surface Properties Scientist |
SPWI | Single Position Wheel Imaging |
SRAP | Slip Risk Assessment Process |
SRW | Sequence Report Walkthrough |
SSF | Spacecraft Sequence File |
SSP | Strategic Science Planner |
SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
SSS | Surface Sampling System |
SSS AL | Surface Sampling System Activity Lead |
ST | Schedule Table (for the REMS instrument) |
STAG | Supra-Tactical Approval Gate |
STG | Science Theme Group |
STL | Science Theme Group Lead |
STR | Safest Transit Route |
STR | Strategic Transit Route |
STT | System Thermal Test |
SUL | Strategic Uplink Lead |
SUR | Science Uplink Representative |
SUROM | Startup Read-Only Memory (ROM) |
SuTL | Supra Tactical Lead |
SYS | System |
TAA | Technical Assistance Agreement (ITAR license for export compliance) |
TACT | Tactical Activity Coordination Tagup |
TAM | Target Acquisition Meeting |
TAP | Tactical Activity Plan |
TB | Testbed |
TC | Team Chief |
TCS | Thermal Control System |
TDL | Tactical Downlink Lead |
TEC | Thermo Electric Cooler |
TEL | Telecommunications |
TFA | Two-Factor Authentication |
TLS | Tunable Laser Spectrometer |
TOAST | Touch, Overnight, Stow Arm, and Traverse |
TOD | Time of Day |
tosol | martian "today" |
TP | Telegraph Peak (drill sample) |
TT | Thread Test |
TUL | Tactical Uplink Lead |
TWTA | Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier |
UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
UL | Uplink |
ULSGEN | Uplink Summary Generation |
UMT | Upload Management Table |
USML | U.S. Munitions List (for ITAR) |
UVS | UV Spectrometer |
V&V | Verification and Validation |
V&V (VnV) | Verification and Validation |
VDP | Virtual Data Product |
VI | Verification Item |
VIG | Volatiles and Isotope Geochemistry Science Theme Group |
VIPER | Visual Predicted Events File (PEF) Reader |
VNV | Verification and Validation |
VO | Visual Odometry |
VOCA | Voice Operational Communications Assembly |
VOM | Visual Odometry Monitoring (VO run continuously to monitor for rover slip) |
VSTB | Vehicle System Testbed |
VTT | Visual Target Tracking |
WEB | Warm Electronics Box |
WJ | Windjana (drill sample) |
WP | Waypoint |
WRP | Wide Range Pump (in SAM) |
WS | Wind Sensor |
WSTS | Workstation Test Set |
WTS | Waveguide Transfer Switch |
XRD | X-ray Diffraction |
yestersol | martian "yesterday" |
YKB | Yellowknife Bay |