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ALSEP Termination Report, Bates, Lauderdale, and Kernaghan, NASA Reference Publication 1036, April 1979.
Apollo 16 Mission Report, Mission Evaluation Team, MSC-07230, August 1972.
Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-315, November 1972.
Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, NASA Technical Memorandum, NASA TM X-58131, August 1974.
Catalog of Apollo 16 Rocks, Part 1. 60015-62315, G. Ryder and M.D. Norman, NASA Curatorial Branch Publication 52, JSC 16904,September 1980.
Catalog of Apollo 16 Rocks, Part 2. 62235-66095, G. Ryder and M.D. Norman, NASA Curatorial Branch Publication 52, JSC 16904,September 1980.
Catalog of Apollo 16 Rocks, Part 3. 67015-69965, G. Ryder and M.D. Norman, NASA Curatorial Branch Publication 52, JSC 16904, September 1980.
Catalog of Apollo Experiment Operations, T. A. Sullivan, NASA Reference Publication 1317, January 1994.
Cross-Reference of Lunar Samples with Locations, Photographs, Apollo-Elapsed Times, and Excerpts from Air-to-Ground Transcripts". From Interagency Report: Astrogeology 51: Documentation and environment of the Apollo 16 samples: A preliminary report
Digital Petrograhic Slide Collection, Center for Planetary Sciences.
Documentation and environment of the Apollo 16 samples: A preliminary report, Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team, Interagency Report: Astrogeology 51, May 26, 1972.
Handbook of Lunar Soils, R.V. Morris, Planetary Materials Branch Publication 67, JSC 19069, July, 1983.
Geology of the Apollo 16 Area, Central Lunar Highlands, G.E. Ulrich, C.A. Hodges, W.R. Muehlberger, Geological Survey Professional Paper 1048, 1981.
Lunar Sample Compendium, C. Meyer, ARES JSC 62905.