Station Nansen Crater
Station 2 is located near the contact between the light mantle and materials of the South Massif. The science objectives of this station were to characterize the South Massif bedrock and the light mantle, which extends northeast from the South massif, and to investigate features indicative of the origin of the light mantle. Three boulders, apparently from the South Massif though no obvious source was visible, were sampled at Station 2. In addition to collecting samples, the astronauts performed panoramic and documentary photography, made a traverse gravimeter measurement, and electrical properties measurements.
Apollo Surface Panoramas from LPI
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Apollo Surface Panoramas from LPI
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Map and sample locations
The Geologic Investigation of the Taurus-Littrow Valley: Apollo 17 Landing Site, Geological Survey Professional Paper 1080
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Links to external sources
Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal
Read a transcript of Station 2 activities with links to video footage and scanned photographs
Apollo 17 Image Library
pictures taken on the lunar surface by the astronauts.