SAM data sets
mission specific
Table, spreadsheet, text, MSL MARS SAMPLE ANALYSIS AT MARS 2 RDR LEVEL 0 V1.0
The MSL SAM Level 0 data set is generated by unpacking telemetry into data numbers as raw ADC values or counts and verifying data integrity.

Data Set Overview
The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite in the MSL Analytical Laboratory is designed to address the present and past habitability of Mars by exploring molecular and elemental chemistry relevant to life. SAM addresses carbon chemistry through a search for organic compounds, the chemical state of light elements other than carbon, and isotopic tracers of planetary change.
SAM is a suite of three instruments: a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), a Gas Chromatograph (GC), and a Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS). The QMS and the GC can operate together in a GCMS mode for separation (GC) and definitive identification (QMS) or organic compounds. The mass range of the QMS is 2-535 Da. The TLS obtains precise isotope ratios for C and O in carbon dioxide and H and O in water. It also measures trace levels of methane and its carbon isotope ratio.
The three SAM instruments are supported by a sample manipulation system (SMS) and a Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (CSPL) that includes high conductance and micro valves, gas manifolds with heaters and temperature monitors, chemical and mechanical pumps, carrier gas reservoirs and regulators, pressure monitors, pyrolysis ovens, and chemical scrubbers and getters. The Mars atmosphere is sampled by CSPL valve and pump manipulations that introduce an appropriate amount of gas through an inlet tube to the SAM instruments.
The solid phase materials are sampled by transporting finely- sieved materials to one of 74 SMS sample cups that can then be inserted into a SAM oven and thermally processed for release of volatiles.
The SAM L0 data set is the lowest level of data available for SAM. It represents unpacking of telemetry into data numbers as raw ADC values or counts and verification of data integrity.
The SAM L0 data set may contain several types of data, depending on the experiment sequence that it describes. The following types of data may be included:
Raw data is delivered to the SAM team as Experiment Data Record (EDR) products generated by the Multi-mission Image Processing Laboratory (MIPL) at JPL under the Operations Products Generation Subsystem (POGS), using the telemetry processing software MSLEdrGen. Products are created by MIPL during operations from: a) MPCS data products, b) SPICE kernels, and c) a meta-data database. They are created on the MSL Operations Data Store (ODS) and then deposited Indianapolis File Exchange Interface (FEI) for electronic distribution to remote sites/ users via a secure subscription protocol. The EDR product is considered NASA packet-level data. SAM EDR data products are stored at the PDS for safekeeping but are not formally archived in PDS. The SAM team converts raw data to a more manageable format, which is stored at PDS as NASA level 0 data. Higher level RDR products represent the results of further data manipulation and interpretation.
The SAM L0 data is composed of a set of files containing time- stamped, time-ordered data numbers or text strings. It represents unpacking of telemetry into data numbers as raw ADC values or counts. There are separate files for housekeeping and QMS, TLS, and GC science data. It may contain the following types of data, depending on the experiment sequence:
The message log file contains time series records of notes pertaining to the experiment execution. The message log data are messages returned from SAM.
Housekeeping data are time series records taken during the course of the experiment. Data files are labeled with the system parameter name and may consist of the following data types:
- CDH high-speed
- CDH low-speed
- Flight software
- GC
- Gas processing system
- Miscellaneous
- Motor controller
- General housekeeping
QMS L0 data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes raw data for DAC ID, DAC value, pulse counter, and RF counter.
GC L0 data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes raw data for TCD gain and offset.
TLS L0 data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes raw ADC values for direct and harmonic absorption spectra for the sample and reference cell.
Ancillary Data
No ancillary data are provided.
Coordinate System
Several coordinate systems are used by the MSL project. A detailed description can be found in the SAM RDR SIS document found in the Documents directory.
No SAM specific software is provided with this data set. All products are ASCII text, viewable in any text editor. TABLE and SPREADSHEET products are also suitable for use in spreadsheet and database management programs.
Confidence Level Overview
SAM L0 data are the least processed, most primitive data set released for SAM. Data presented here have been verified for integrity and are an accurate representation of SAM data as received from the rover.
The SAM RDR was reviewed internally by the SAM team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external peer review of the SAM RDR.
Data Coverage and Quality
Data reported are the minimally processed data received from the rover during nominal SAM operations. Damaged telemetry packets are sequestered upon receipt from the rover and are not included in this delivery. This product contains all data received from the rover for a single SAM experiment sequence. If gaps exist in the telemetry from the rover, data are lost.
The L0 data set limited by any errors in the EDR data product.
Table, spreadsheet, text, MSL MARS SAMPLE ANALYSIS AT MARS 3 RDR LEVEL 1A V1.0
The MSL SAM Level 1A data set is generated by converting raw ADC values or counts to science units.

Data Set Overview
The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite in the MSL Analytical Laboratory is designed to address the present and past habitability of Mars by exploring molecular and elemental chemistry relevant to life. SAM addresses carbon chemistry through a search for organic compounds, the chemical state of light elements other than carbon, and isotopic tracers of planetary change.
SAM is a suite of three instruments: a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), a Gas Chromatograph (GC), and a Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS). The QMS and the GC can operate together in a GCMS mode for separation (GC) and definitive identification (QMS) or organic compounds. The mass range of the QMS is 2-535 Da. The TLS obtains precise isotope ratios for C and O in carbon dioxide and H and O in water. It also measures trace levels of methane and its carbon isotope ratio.
The three SAM instruments are supported by a sample manipulation system (SMS) and a Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (CSPL) that includes high conductance and micro valves, gas manifolds with heaters and temperature monitors, chemical and mechanical pumps, carrier gas reservoirs and regulators, pressure monitors, pyrolysis ovens, and chemical scrubbers and getters. The Mars atmosphere is sampled by CSPL valve and pump manipulations that introduce an appropriate amount of gas through an inlet tube to the SAM instruments.
The solid phase materials are sampled by transporting finely- sieved materials to one of 74 SMS sample cups that can then be inserted into a SAM oven and thermally processed for release of volatiles.
The SAM L1A data set represents conversion of raw ADC values or counts to science units.
The SAM L1A data set may contain several types of data, depending on the experiment sequence that it describes. The following types of data may be included:
Raw data is delivered to the SAM team as Experiment Data Record (EDR) products generated by the Multi-mission Image Processing Laboratory (MIPL) at JPL under the Operations Products Generation Subsystem (POGS), using the telemetry processing software MSLEdrGen. Products are created by MIPL during operations from: a) MPCS data products, b) SPICE kernels, and c) a meta-data database. They are created on the MSL Operations Data Store (ODS) and then deposited Indianapolis File Exchange Interface (FEI) for electronic distribution to remote sites/ users via a secure subscription protocol. The EDR product is considered NASA packet-level data. SAM EDR data products are stored at the PDS for safekeeping but are not formally archived in PDS. The SAM team converts raw data to a more manageable format, which is stored at PDS as NASA level 0 data. Higher level RDR products represent the results of further data manipulation and interpretation. Details of the processing for L1A are discussed below.
The SAM L1A data set is a collection of files containing time- stamped, time-ordered data numbers or text strings. It represents conversion of raw ADC values or counts to science units. There are separate files for housekeeping and QMS, TLS, and GC science data. It may contain the following types of data, depending on the experiment sequence:
The message log file contains time series records of notes pertaining to the experiment execution. The message log data are messages returned from SAM.
Housekeeping data are time series records taken during the course of the experiment. Data files are labeled with the system parameter name and may consist of the following data types:
- CDH high-speed
- CDH low-speed
- Flight software
- GC
- Gas processing system
- Miscellaneous
- Motor controller
- General housekeeping
QMS L1A data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes mass-to-charge ratio, counts per second, and RF counts per second.
GC L1A data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes data for TCD gain and offset.
TLS L1A data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes direct and harmonic absorption spectra of the sample.
Ancillary Data
No ancillary data are provided.
Coordinate System
Several coordinate systems are used by the MSL project. A detailed description can be found in the SAM RDR SIS document found in the Documents directory.
No SAM specific software is provided with this data set. All products are ASCII text, viewable in any text editor. TABLE and SPREADSHEET products are also suitable for use in spreadsheet and database management programs.
Confidence Level Overview
SAM L1A data represent conversion of primitive raw data for SAM to science units. Accuracy of the data presented here is dependent on appropriate use of pre-flight calibration data for engineering and science unit conversions.
The SAM RDR was reviewed internally by the SAM team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external peer review of the SAM RDR.
Data Coverage and Quality
Data reported are the processed data received from the rover during nominal SAM operations. This product contains all data received from the rover for a single SAM experiment sequence. If gaps exist in the telemetry from the rover, data are lost.
The L1A data set is limited by any errors in the L0 data set.
The MSL SAM Level 1B data set is generated by applying corrections to Level 1A data, e.g. detector dead time, TCD temperature, noise removal, corrections for saturation and instrument response function.

Data Set Overview
The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite in the MSL Analytical Laboratory is designed to address the present and past habitability of Mars by exploring molecular and elemental chemistry relevant to life. SAM addresses carbon chemistry through a search for organic compounds, the chemical state of light elements other than carbon, and isotopic tracers of planetary change.
SAM is a suite of three instruments: a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), a Gas Chromatograph (GC), and a Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS). The QMS and the GC can operate together in a GCMS mode for separation (GC) and definitive identification (QMS) or organic compounds. The mass range of the QMS is 2-535 Da. The TLS obtains precise isotope ratios for C and O in carbon dioxide and H and O in water. It also measures trace levels of methane and its carbon isotope ratio.
The three SAM instruments are supported by a sample manipulation system (SMS) and a Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (CSPL) that includes high conductance and micro valves, gas manifolds with heaters and temperature monitors, chemical and mechanical pumps, carrier gas reservoirs and regulators, pressure monitors, pyrolysis ovens, and chemical scrubbers and getters. The Mars atmosphere is sampled by CSPL valve and pump manipulations that introduce an appropriate amount of gas through an inlet tube to the SAM instruments.
The solid phase materials are sampled by transporting finely- sieved materials to one of 74 SMS sample cups that can then be inserted into a SAM oven and thermally processed for release of volatiles.
The SAM L1B data set represents preliminary processing of science data.
The SAM L1B data set consists of time series records in science units that have been processed with corrections, e.g., detector deadtime, TCD temperature, noise removal, and saturation and instrument response function. The following types of data may be included, depending on the experiments sequence:
- GC
Raw data is delivered to the SAM team as Experiment Data Record (EDR) products generated by the Multi-mission Image Processing Laboratory (MIPL) at JPL under the Operations Products Generation Subsystem (POGS), using the telemetry processing software MSLEdrGen. Products are created by MIPL during operations from: a) MPCS data products, b) SPICE kernels, and c) a meta-data database. They are created on the MSL Operations Data Store (ODS) and then deposited Indianapolis File Exchange Interface (FEI) for electronic distribution to remote sites/ users via a secure subscription protocol. The EDR product is considered NASA packet-level data. SAM EDR data products are stored at the PDS for safekeeping but are not formally archived in PDS. The SAM team converts raw data to a more manageable format, which is stored at PDS as NASA level 0 data. Higher level RDR products represent the results of further data manipulation and interpretation. Details of the processing for L1B are discussed below.
The SAM L1B data set is a collection of files containing time- stamped, time-ordered data numbers or text strings. It represents science data for the SAM instrument components that have been processed with initial corrections. Depending on the experiment sequence, the following data types might be included:
QMS L1B data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. Data includes m/z and signal versus time. EGA data also includes pyrolysis oven temperature, and GCMS data also includes GC column temperature. QMS signal has been corrected for detector deadtime.
GC L1B data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. Data include TCD signal versus retention time, pressure, column temperature, and column used. The data have been corrected for TCD temperature and noise removal.
TLS L1B data consists of time series records taken during the course of the experiment. It includes direct and harmonic absorption spectra of the sample with filtering.
Ancillary Data
No ancillary data are provided.
Coordinate System
Several coordinate systems are used by the MSL project. A detailed description can be found in the SAM RDR SIS document found in the Documents directory.
No SAM specific software is provided with this data set. All products are ASCII text, viewable in any text editor. TABLE and SPREADSHEET products are also suitable for use in spreadsheet and database management programs.
Confidence Level Overview
SAM L1B data represent results of preliminary processing of SAM science data. Accuracy of the data presented here is dependent on appropriate use of pre-flight calibration data for preliminary corrections.
The SAM RDR was reviewed internally by the SAM team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external peer review of the SAM RDR.
Data Coverage and Quality
Data reported are the processed data received from the rover during nominal SAM operations. This product contains all data received from the rover for a single SAM experiment sequence. If gaps exist in the telemetry from the rover, data are lost.
The L1B data set is limited by any errors in the L1A data set.
The MSL SAM Level 2 data set contains results of data interpretation completed by the SAM science team, e.g. gas composition, isotope ratios, species, relative abundance.

Data Set Overview
The Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite in the MSL Analytical Laboratory is designed to address the present and past habitability of Mars by exploring molecular and elemental chemistry relevant to life. SAM addresses carbon chemistry through a search for organic compounds, the chemical state of light elements other than carbon, and isotopic tracers of planetary change.
SAM is a suite of three instruments: a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (QMS), a Gas Chromatograph (GC), and a Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS). The QMS and the GC can operate together in a GCMS mode for separation (GC) and definitive identification (QMS) or organic compounds. The mass range of the QMS is 2-535 Da. The TLS obtains precise isotope ratios for C and O in carbon dioxide and H and O in water. It also measures trace levels of methane and its carbon isotope ratio.
The three SAM instruments are supported by a sample manipulation system (SMS) and a Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (CSPL) that includes high conductance and micro valves, gas manifolds with heaters and temperature monitors, chemical and mechanical pumps, carrier gas reservoirs and regulators, pressure monitors, pyrolysis ovens, and chemical scrubbers and getters. The Mars atmosphere is sampled by CSPL valve and pump manipulations that introduce an appropriate amount of gas through an inlet tube to the SAM instruments.
The solid phase materials are sampled by transporting finely- sieved materials to one of 74 SMS sample cups that can then be inserted into a SAM oven and thermally processed for release of volatiles.
The SAM L2 data set represents the result of science data interpretation by the SAM team.
The SAM L2 data set represents results of data interpretation by the SAM science team. It may include the following types of data, depending on the experiment sequence:
- GC
Raw data is delivered to the SAM team as Experiment Data Record (EDR) products generated by the Multi-mission Image Processing Laboratory (MIPL) at JPL under the Operations Products Generation Subsystem (POGS), using the telemetry processing software MSLEdrGen. Products are created by MIPL during operations from: a) MPCS data products, b) SPICE kernels, and c) a meta-data database. They are created on the MSL Operations Data Store (ODS) and then deposited Indianapolis File Exchange Interface (FEI) for electronic distribution to remote sites/ users via a secure subscription protocol. The EDR product is considered NASA packet-level data. SAM EDR data products are stored at the PDS for safekeeping but are not formally archived in PDS. The SAM team converts raw data to a more manageable format, which is stored at PDS as NASA level 0 data. Higher level RDR products represent the results of further data manipulation and interpretation. Details of processing for L2 are discussed below.
The SAM L2 data set is a collection of files containing the results of data interpretation by the SAM science team. The following types of data may be included, depending on the experiment sequence:
QMS L2 data may include gas composition and isotope ratios, and gas composition with peak sample temperature for EGA runs.
GC L2 data may include species identified and their relative abundances, for pyrolysis products and derivatized compounds.
TLS L2 data include abundance and isotope ratios.
Ancillary Data
No ancillary data are provided.
Coordinate System
Several coordinate systems are used by the MSL project. A detailed description can be found in the SAM RDR SIS document found in the Documents directory.
No SAM specific software is provided with this data set. All products are ASCII text, viewable in any text editor. TABLE and SPREADSHEET products are also suitable for use in spreadsheet and database management programs.
Confidence Level Overview
SAM L2 data represent results of interpretation of science data by the SAM team. Accuracy of the data presented here is dependent on appropriate use of pre-flight calibration data for preliminary corrections.
The SAM RDR was reviewed internally by the SAM team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external peer review of the SAM RDR.
Data Coverage and Quality
Data reported are the processed data received from the rover during nominal SAM operations. This product contains all data received from the rover for a single SAM experiment sequence. If gaps exist in the telemetry from the rover, data are lost.
The L2 data set is limited by any errors in the L1C data set.
see ALSO