What's new

Additions, updates, and corrections to the Analyst's Notebook are logged here. New users should start at the very beginning (it's a very good place to start).

These abbreviations are used throughout the Notebook as shorthand for missions:

INSApplies to the
InSight AN
Mars InSight Lander
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
MERApplies to the
Mars Exploration Rovers
MER-A Spirit Rover (sometimes "MER2")
MER-B Opportunity Rover (sometimes "MER1")
MSLApplies to the
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
PHXApplies to the
Mars Phoenix Lander

2024-1008 FEATURE UPDATE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

Internal libraries have been updated to improve performance when working with images for the INS, M20, MER, MSL, and PHX Notebooks. Users may need to clear their browser cache to ensure the latest code is downloaded. Please contact us if you have difficulties.

2024-0802 DATA RELEASE 36 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 4000 to 4133 are released. The image data have not been released yet. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2024-0731 DATA RELEASE 10 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Non-image data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 1020 to 1039 are released. The image data have not been released yet. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2024-0701 FEATURE UPDATE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

Internal libraries have been updated to improve performance for the INS, M20, MER, MSL, and PHX Notebooks. Users may need to clear their browser cache to ensure the latest code is downloaded. Please contact us if you have difficulties.

2024-0624 FEATURE UPDATE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

The Image Tool navigation and annotation controls have been updated to improve the user experience. Controls have been repositioned and streamlined. The mask overlay task load time for images with available location and distance measurements has been significantly reduced.

2024-0519 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

A new filter has been added to Data search. You can now easily find images with corresponding XYZ data for use in the Image tool measurement tools by checking the box labeled "Only images supporting measurements" in the filter list.

2024-0519 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Measurement tools added for Mars 2020 single frame image pairs that have corresponding XYZ data. Currently, MER Pancam and M20, MER, and MSL Hazcam and Navcam images fall into this category. Access the measurement tools from the Image tool. See Image tools.

2024-0401 DATA RELEASE 9 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 900 to 1019 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2024-0315 DATA RELEASE 35 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3903 to 3999 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2024-0110 NEW FEATURE MERApplies to the

The Traverse map for MER Spirit and Opportunity Rovers now shows science targets when zoomed in. Targets can be selected for details like related data products.

2023-1205 DATA RELEASE 34 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3779 to 3902 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-1129 DATA RELEASE 8 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 780 to 899 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-1103 DATA RELEASE 33 MSLApplies to the

Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI data from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3645 to 3778 are released. This is the first delivery of "MMM" image data in PDS4 format. While the data file format has not changed, the metadata labels are in PDS4 format, and you may notice difference in the metadata available for each product. In addition, the "MMM" team did not include pre-made browse images with this release. Browse images for these data are created using a 2% linear stretch of the archive data product. Previously, the browse images supplied by the "MMM" team were used in the Notebook. See Data release status for details. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0810 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Rover drive telemetry data and maps for Curiosity, Opportunity, Perseverance, and Spirit rovers can be downloaded by following a link in the Resources tab. The links also are available from the Traverse map.

2023-0809 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Return science samples can be selected from the Traverse map in the Perseverance Analyst's Notebook with resulting links offering detailed information on each collected sample.for the samples 11-21 collected during the mission. Click on the Sample science tab within the Notebook to get started.

2023-0801 DATA RELEASE 33 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3645 to 3778 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0730 NEW DATAINSApplies to the
InSight AN

Image mosaics have been added to the InSight Notebook. They are accessible from the Sol and Data Search tabs.

2023-0727 DATA RELEASE 7 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 660 to 779 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0630 DATA RELEASE 17INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired throughout the entire mission are released. This date represents the end of the mission. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions. Additional updates are expected in the coming months.

2023-0413 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Sample science details have been added to the Perseverance Analyst's Notebook for the samples 11-21 collected during the mission. Click on the Sample science tab within the Notebook to get started. See Return sample science for more information.

2023-0331 DATA RELEASE 16INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 15 December 2022 are released. This date represents the end of the mission. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0329 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The MSL Curiosity Rover Science targets table (accessible from the Mission summaries tab) is updated to show each target's location in easting, northing, and elevation, and as local X, Y, Z. All values are in meters.

2023-0324 DATA RELEASE 6 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 540 to 659 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0316 DATA RELEASE 32 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3548 to 3644 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2023-0310 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The Traverse map for MSL Curiosity Rover now shows science targets when zoomed in. Targets can be selected for details like related data products.

2023-0215 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The Resources tab now includes the migration status of mission-produced data to PDS4 standards. In addition, a list of products derived from mission archives by individual investigators is presented with links to data not yet incorporated into the Notebook.

2023-0213 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

Daily report search has been updated to support faceted, keyword based search for InSight, Mars 2020, MER, MSL, and Phoenix missions. The daily reports are the Mission Manager and Documentarian reports that provide a view into science operations—insight into why and how particular observations were made. The reports have not been edited except for grammar and spelling, and to remove spacecraft and instrument sensitive materials.

2023-0105 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Return sample science pre-release reports have been added to the Perseverance Analyst's Notebook and are available from the Sample science tab. These reports are provided by the Perseverance science team. They have not been peer reviewed nor are part of the mission archive. A formal archive of sample dossier material is being prepared by the team.

2023-0103 DATA RELEASE 15INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 30 September 2022 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

The older side of what's new

2022-1205 DATA RELEASE 31 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3424 to 3547 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-1121 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Activity plan timelines have been added to the Perseverance Analyst's Notebook and are available from the Sol summary tab. When known, links between activities and resulting data products are included. See Activity plans for more information.

2022-1121 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Sample science details have been added to the Perseverance Analyst's Notebook for the first 10 samples collected during the mission. Click on the Sample science tab within the Notebook to get started. See Return sample science for more information.

2022-1121 DATA RELEASE 5 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 420 to 539 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-1116 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The Measurement Tool now includes Z values for positions when exporting data to a shapefile.

2022-0930 DATA RELEASE 14INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 30 June 2022 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0801 DATA RELEASE 30 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3290 to 3423 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0722 DATA RELEASE 4 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 300 to 419 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0721 NEW RELEASEPHXApplies to the

The Phoenix Analyst's Notebook has been updated with new information and access tools. New features include mission summaries like the mission overview and time tables; faceted data search; science targets with Mars Target Encyclopedia literature references; data set DOIs; optional user accounts; and cart-based data ordering. The previous version of the Phoenix Notebook remains available.

2022-0701 DATA RELEASE 13INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 31 March 2022 are released. Some data may still be loading into the Notebook; see Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0511 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

A new setting has been added to the Notebook to allow users to specify which view is selected when clicking on a data product or science target browse image. The option can be selected in User Settings.

2022-0510 DATA RELEASE 3 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Released calibrated Hazcam and Navcam engineering images (sols 0-89) have been loaded into the Perseverance Notebook.

2022-0401 DATA RELEASE 12INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 31 December 2021 are released. Some data may still be loading into the Notebook; see Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0322 DATA RELEASE 3 M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

Data and documentation from Mars 2020 Perseverance rover sols 180 to 299 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0316 DATA RELEASE 29 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3193 to 3289 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2022-0315 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The Curiosity Analyst's Notebook traverse map includes the option to show contour lines on the basemap.

2022-0224 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

The Perseverance Analyst's Notebook traverse map includes the option to show contour lines on the basemap.

2022-0104 DATA RELEASE 11INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 30 September 2021 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-1223 DATA RELEASE 28 MSLApplies to the

Sol 3069 to 3192 Hazcam and Navcam RDRs, including image mosaics, were late release data for MSL data release 28. These data now are available and are available in the Notebook.

2021-1223 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

The Image tool has an updated drawing library. Users should notice improvement in text annotation quality and general responsiveness. See Image tool for more about the tool.

2021-1209 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN

The Perseverance Analyst's Notebook in available as a beta web application! In addition to the standard Notebook help, information on known limitations is available.

2021-1206 DATA RELEASE 28 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 3069 to 3192 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-1110 NEW FEATURE M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

You can change the appearance of map layers in the Perseverance, Curiosity, Spirit, and Opportunity Notebooks. Click the Settings button in the map's upper left corner to access controls for changing layer visibility and appearance (color, text size, symbols, etc.). Click the Settings button again to hide the controls. See Traverse map for more about the map features.

2021-1110 NEW FEATURE MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Target search now includes an option to select targets by presence of associated data from imaging instruments as determined by the Notebook's product-target matching algorithm. See Target search for details.

2021-1001 DATA RELEASE 10INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander acquired through 30 June 2021 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-0802 DATA RELEASE 27 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2935 to 3068 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-0701 DATA RELEASE 9INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 746 to 833 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-0507 NEW FEATURE MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

The Image tool now includes an option to export targets and measurement locations in ESRI shapefile format. See Image tool for details.

2021-0506 NEW FEATURE APOApplies to the
Apollo AN
INSApplies to the
InSight AN
LCRApplies to the
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are available in the MSL Analyst's Notebook. DOIs are assigned to archive data by dataset (for PDS3 data) and bundle (for PDS4 data), not by individual data products. DOIs appear on data product detail pages. In addition, a table of DOIs for all datasets is available in the Resource tab. See Citations and DOIs for details.

2021-0401 DATA RELEASE 8INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 669 to 745 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2021-0315 DATA RELEASE 26 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2838 to 2934 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

Of special note: RAD RDR data for sols 2714-2934 have not been released.

2021-0105 DATA RELEASE 7INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 568 to 668 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-1215 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data search is available in the InSight Analyst's Notebook. See Data search (faceted) for details. Give special attention to the Results view facet that controls how data products are grouped for searching.

2020-1204 DATA RELEASE 25 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2714 to 2837 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-1120 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

A time table has been added that contains timekeeping values for each sol of the mission's landed operations. Each row of the Mission time table includes time values and the sun's position specific to the rover's or lander's position at local true solar noon on that particular sol. The table is accessible from the Mission tab. See Time table for details.

2020-1120 NEW FEATURE INSApplies to the
InSight AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Help has been updated with new topics: Image primer, Targets, Time on Mars, and Understanding data products. Help is accessible from the Help tab. See Concepts and deep dive for details.

2020-1001 DATA RELEASE 6INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 489 to 578 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-0731 DATA RELEASE 24 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2580 to 2713 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-0706 DATA RELEASE 5INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 391 to 488 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-0610 NEW FEATURE MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Contact science targets have been added to the MER Opportunity and Spirit Analyst's Notebook. See Contact science targets added for details.

2020-0610 NEW FEATURE MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

The Image tool now includes science targets that may be displayed as annotations on the image. See Targets added to Image tool for details.

2020-0401 DATA RELEASE 4INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 301 to 390 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2020-0320 DATA RELEASE 23 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2483 to 2579 are released. See Data release status for details.

2020-0102 DATA RELEASE 3INSApplies to the
InSight AN

Data and documentation from InSight lander sols 211 to 300 are released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2019-1205 DATA RELEASE 22 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2359 to 2482 are released. See Data release status for details.

2019-0923 DATA RELEASE 2INSApplies to the
InSight AN

The initial release of the InSight Analyst's Notebook data and documentation from InSight lander, with data to sol 210, is released. Some data may still be processing. See Data release status for details. Some instrument teams may include additional and/or reprocessed data in their archive deliveries to PDS. Refer to instrument errata and readme documents for details, or contact us with questions.

2019-0807 DATA RELEASE 21 MSLApplies to the

Image data from MSL Curiosity rover data release 21 are online. See Data release status for details.

2019-0801 DATA RELEASE 21 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2225 to 2358 are released. Image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2019-0726 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

Data search is updated to a faceted search model. See Data search (faceted) for details. Give special attention to the Results view facet that controls how data products are grouped for searching.

2019-0315 DATA RELEASE 20 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2128 to 2224 are released. ChemCam PSV data from sols 1418 to 2003 have been and REMS RDR data from sols 1870 to 2003 have also been updated. See Data release status for details.

2019-0301 NEW FEATURE 

User settings has been updated. New features include the ability to set default views for detail windows in the workspace. See User settings for details.

2019-0301 NEW FEATURE 

The cart order system has been updated. Past orders may be reviewed and resubmitted. See Order history for details.

2018-1228 DATA RELEASE 58 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 5041 to 5130 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2018-1205 DATA RELEASE 19 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 2004 to 20127 are released. Image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. ChemCam PSV data from sols 1418 to 2003 have been and REMS RDR data from sols 1870 to 2003 have also been updated. See Data release status for details.

2018-0926 DATA RELEASE 57 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4951 to 5040 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2018-0921 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

APXS concentration data for MSL have been incorporated into the MSL Notebook. Interactive charts and data/chart download are available. See APXS concentrations.

2018-0921 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

The MSL target search has been updated. New features include:

  • Find APXS concentration data by target
  • Find ChemCam RMI mosaics by target
  • Find literature references, including element and mineral compositional references
  • Faceted search that updates results as each filter option is selected.

2018-0827 DATA RELEASE MSLApplies to the

MSL Curiosity Mastcam and MAHLI context mosaics from sols 1870 to 2003 have been added to the MSL Analyst's Notebook.

2018-0807 DATA RELEASE MSLApplies to the

MSL Curiosity rover data release 18 images are loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. Released image data include single frame images and mosaics through sol 2003.

2018-0801 DATA RELEASE 18 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1870 to 2003 are released. Image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. REMS RDR data from sols 1773 to 1869 have also been updated. See Data release status for details.

2018-0628 DATA RELEASE MSLApplies to the

MSL Curiosity Navcam context mosaics from sols 1773 to 1869 have been added to the MSL Analyst's Notebook.

2018-0626 DATA RELEASE 56 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4861 to 4950 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2018-0323 DATA RELEASE 55 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4771 to 4860 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2018-0321 DATA RELEASE MSLApplies to the

MSL Curiosity rover data release 17 images are loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. Released image data include single frame images and mosaics through sol 1869.

2018-0316 DATA RELEASE 17 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1773 to 1869 are released. Image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2018-0312 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

Literature references to targets captured as part of the Mars Target Encyclopedia project have been added to the MSL Analyst's Notebook. See Literature references for details.

2017-1221 DATA RELEASE 54 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4681 to 4770 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2017-1208 DATA RELEASE MSLApplies to the

MSL Curiosity rover data release 16 images are loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. Released image data include single frame and mosaic images through sol 1772. In addition, Mastcam context mosaics from sols 1649 to 1772 have been added to the MSL Analyst's Notebook.

2017-1205 DATA RELEASE 16 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1649 to 1772 are released. Image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook. See Data release status for details.

2017-1016 DATA RELEASE MERApplies to the

Mini-TES mirror-dust-corrected emissivity data and documentation from MER Spirit rover are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. See Mini-TES mirror-dust-corrected data added.

2017-0921 DATA RELEASE 53 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4591 to 4680 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2017-0801 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the

ChemCam RMI mosaics and contour images have been added to the MSL Analyst's Notebook. See RMI ChemCam mosaics.

2017-0801 DATA RELEASE 15 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1515 to 1648 are released. Some image products are still being loaded into the Analyst's Notebook.

2017-0621 DATA RELEASE 52 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4501 to 4590 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2017-0320 DATA RELEASE 51 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4411 to 4500 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2017-0316 DATA RELEASE 14 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1418 to 1514 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2017-0302 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the
 MERApplies to the

Browse (quicklook) versions of single frame images can be included in cart orders using the new Cart Image options from the Cart review and download page. Using this option, a PNG version of each image data product (.IMG file) in the cart will be included in the data delivered to the user.

2017-0127 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the
 MERApplies to the

Analyst's Notebook version 3 is now online.

2016-1025 DATA RELEASE 50 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4321 to 4410 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2016-1205 DATA RELEASE 13 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1294 to 1417 are released.

2016-1025 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the
 MERApplies to the

Drawing tools added for single frame images. Access the drawing tools from the Image tool. See Image tool drawing tools.

2016-0919 DATA RELEASE 49 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4231 to 4320 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2016-0808 DATA RELEASE 12 MSLApplies to the

Image data from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1160 to 1293 is available in the Notebook.

2016-0801 DATA RELEASE 12 MSLApplies to the

Data and documentation from MSL Curiosity rover sols 1160 to 1293 are released. Non-image data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook. Image data are being processed.

2016-0617 DATA RELEASE 48 MERApplies to the

Data and documentation from MER Opportunity rover sols 4141 to 4230 are released and data have been added to the Analyst's Notebook.

2016-0325 NEW FEATURE MSLApplies to the
 MERApplies to the

Measurement tools added for single frame image pairs that have corresponding XYZ data. Currently, MER Pancam and MER and MSL Hazcam and Navcam images fall into this category. Access the measurement tools from the Image tool. See Image tool measurement tools.