Acronyms, abbreviations, and terms
Planetary Data System (PDS)

Term | Definition |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
CCSDS | Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems |
COSPAR | Committee on Space Research |
DD | Data Dictionary |
DPH | Data Provider's Handbook |
DST | Dictionary Schema Template |
ebXML | electronic business eXtensible Markup Language |
ESA | European Space Agency |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
IAG | International Association of Geodesy |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IM | Information Model |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISO/IEC | International Standards Organization / International Electrotechnical Commission |
ISO/TS | International Standards Organization / Technical Standard |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
LDD | Local Data Dictionary |
LSB | Least Significant Bit |
MD5 | Message-Digest algorithm 5 |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
NAIF | Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards |
OAIS | Open Archival Information System |
Portable Document Format | |
PDS | Planetary Data System |
PDS3 | Planetary Data System, version 3 |
PDS4 | Planetary Data System, version 4 |
PDS4 | Concepts 34 2020-05-19 |
PSA | (ESA) Planetary Science Archive |
PSDD | Planetary Science Data Dictionary |
RM | Reference Model |
SPICE | Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, C-matrix (pointing), and Events kernels |
SR | (PDS) Standards Reference |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
URN | Uniform Resource Name |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium |
WXS | W3C XML Schema |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |
XSD | XML Schema Document |

Term | Definition |
archive | A place in which public records or historical documents are preserved; also the material preserved — often used in plural. Sometimes capitalized when referring to all of PDS holdings — the PDS Archive. |
array | An N-dimensional data structure in which every element has an identical data type. For example, a structure with 5 rows and 3 columns in which each element is a 2-byte signed integer would be an array. |
association | An attribute that establishes a unidirectional relationship between two classes. For example, a table has records; ‘has record' is the relationship between one entity (the table) and another (a record). |
attribute | A property or characteristic that provides a unit of information. For example, ‘color' and ‘length' are possible attributes. |
basic product | The simplest product in PDS4; one or more data objects (and their description objects), which constitute (typically) a single observation, document, etc. The only PDS4 products that are not basic products are Product_Collection and Product_Bundle. Every basic product must be a primary member of one (and only one) collection. Basic products may be secondary members of any number of collections. |
bundle | A list of collections. Product_Bundle, the bundle's manifestation, is itself a product (because it is simply a list embedded within a label); but it is not a basic product. For example, a bundle could list a collection of raw data obtained by an instrument during its mission lifetime, a collection of the calibration products associated with the instrument, and a collection of all documentation relevant to the first two collections. |
cardinality | The number of values allowed for an attribute or association in a single class. Cardinality in general is stated as a range with a minimum and maximum. For example, an optional attribute that may be multi-valued will have a cardinality of "0..*". A cardinality where the minimum and maximum are the same is often shown as the single value; for example, an attribute required to have exactly one value will have a cardinality of "1". When a value is required, the minimum cardinality is at least 1. |
class | The set of attributes (including a name) which defines a family. A class is generic — a template from which individual members of the family may be constructed. If the class 'rope' (its name) is defined by attributes ‘color' and ‘length', we can construct a family of ropes — e.g., red and 3 m long, red and 4 m long, blue and 2 m long, ... |
class hierarchy | An ordering of classes which shows parent-child relationships. |
collection | A list of basic products, all of which are closely related in some way. The collection's manifestation, Product_Collection, is itself a product (because it is simply a list, with its label); but it is not a basic product. |
component | A digital object in a file of observational data that is identified as part of a composite structure. |
composite structure | a digital data object in which two or more components have structural relationships — for example, a data 'cube' and its back and/or side planes. The Composite_Structure class may be used to specify the relationships rigorously. |
conceptual object | An object which is intangible (and, because it is intangible, does not fit into a digital archive). Examples of 'conceptual objects' include the Cassini mission and NASA's strategic plan for solar system exploration. Note that a PDF describing the Cassini mission is a digital object, not a conceptual object (nor a component of a conceptual object). |
consulting node | A PDS discipline node assigned as the contact for a mission, instrument, or project. |
container | The physical equivalent of a package (see below); the product manifest and all related files wrapped together for transfer — for example, in a ZIP, GZIP, or TAR file. |
data dictionary | A repository for definitions of classes and attributes. |
data object | A physical, conceptual, or digital object. |
data preparer | Same as data provider. |
data provider | A person or organization that assembles archival data for delivery to PDS. |
data structure | A particular way of storing data in a computer that facilitates efficient use. |
description object | Something that describes an object. As appropriate, it will have structural and descriptive components. Technically speaking, a 'description object' in PDS4 is a 'digital object' — a string of bits; but we assume that we can read it and, on that basis, give it a special name. |
digital object | An object which is real data — for example, a binary image of a redwood tree or an ASCII table of atmospheric composition versus altitude. |
discipline area | That part of a label which is specified by a discipline. |
encoded byte stream | A byte stream that may only be interpreted after it has been ‘decoded' according to some well-known standard. |
entity | Something that has a distinct, separate existence. |
extension | (1) See subclass. (2) The character string following the last period in a file name. |
identifier | A unique character string by which a product, object, or other entity may be identified and located. Identifiers can be global, in which case they are unique across all of PDS (and its federation partners). A local identifier must be unique within a label. |
information model | A representation of concepts, relationships, constraints, rules, and operations to specify data semantics for a chosen domain of discourse. Specifically, the PDS Information Model (IM) is the representation that specifies PDS4. |
information object | A data object paired with its description. |
inventory | An itemized list of current assets or holdings. |
label | The aggregation of one or more description objects such that the aggregation describes a single PDS product. In the PDS4 implementation, labels are constructed using XML, which imposes a small amount of overhead. |
label template | A text file which serves as a pattern for constructing labels. |
lead node | One of several consulting nodes designated as the PDS coordinator and primary contact with a mission. |
local | (1) Within a single label. (2) Within an archiving entity — e.g., local data dictionary. |
local data dictionary (LDD) | A data dictionary for classes and attributes which are not defined across the entire PDS. Examples include data dictionaries for discipline nodes, missions, and individual archiving projects. |
logical identifier (LID) | An identifier which identifies the set of all versions of an object. |
manifest | A list of contents. |
meta-attribute | An attribute of an attribute — that is, a ‘dictionary' attribute, which is used to define one or more attributes in the PDS4 Information Model. For example, ‘conceptual_domain' and ‘maximum_value' are used in defining some attributes. |
metadata | Data about data — for example, a ‘description object' contains information (metadata) about an ‘object.' |
mission | A task with which a group of people have been charged, usually by a government agency and including priority (if not exclusive) use of one or more spacecraft (see attribute type within class Investigation_Area). |
mission area | That part of a label which is specified by a mission. |
model | A representation or description designed to show an entity and its composition. |
namespace | A context for defining classes and attributes. Two items with the same name but from different namespaces generally have different definitions. For example, "title" has a very different meaning in a movie namespace compared with its meaning in an automobile namespace. |
object | The realization of a single member of a family defined by a class. If the class ‘rope' has attributes ‘color' and ‘length', we can construct a ‘rope' family with three members — red and 3 m long, red and 4 m long, and blue and 2 m long. Each member is an object. |
observational data | Raw measurements from one or more instruments, or the results from processing such raw measurements. |
observing campaign | An observational assignment with which a group of people have been charged (sometimes voluntarily) which extends over some period of time and which can be accomplished without significant construction of new equipment (see attribute type within class Investigation_Area). |
package | A product manifest and all related files logically grouped together for transfer. |
parsable byte stream | A byte stream which can be parsed with standard rules — e.g., comma separated entries or standard punctuation; ‘decoding software' is not needed. |
physical object | An object which is physical or tangible (and, therefore, does not itself fit into a digital archive). Examples of ‘physical objects' include the planet Saturn and the Venus Express magnetometer. Note that an ASCII file describing Saturn is a digital object, not a physical object (nor a component of a physical object). |
primary component | The central, or most important, among several components; the component which has relationships (either directly or indirectly) to all other components in a composite structure. |
primary member | A basic product is a primary member of the collection within which it first enters PDS4. Every basic product must be a primary member of one (and only one) collection. A product's member status (primary or secondary) is based on its first association with the collection. Although the product may be omitted from a later version of the collection, it retains its primary or secondary member status through all subsequent versions of the collection based on its initial association. In a similar way, collections are categorized as having either primary or secondary ‘member status' in their bundles. |
product | One or more tagged objects (digital, non-digital, or both) grouped together and having a single PDS-unique identifier. In the PDS4 implementation, the descriptions are combined into a single XML label. Although it may be possible to locate individual objects within PDS (and to find specific bit strings within digital objects), PDS4 defines ‘products' to be the smallest granular unit of addressable data within its complete holdings. |
registry | A data base that provides services for sharing content and metadata. |
registration authority | An organization responsible for maintaining a registry — in this case, the PDS4 Information Model and its components. The registration authority for the Planetary Data System is 'PDS'. |
repository | A place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored (often for safety or preservation). |
resource | The target (referent) of any Uniform Resource Identifier; the thing to which a URI points. |
restored data | Data which have been recovered from storage and successfully prepared for archive in PDS. |
restriction | A limit placed on the range of a variable; specifically, the narrowing of possible choices for a class or attribute. For example, attribute axes may have values between 1 and 16 in the definition of Array, but it is restricted to the value '2' in Array_2D. |
schema | A structural definition given in a formal language which serves as a blueprint for construction. |
science bundle | Observational data from a science investigation, documentation, and other supplementary data organized into a bundle structure for delivery to PDS. |
secondary member | A basic product may be a secondary member of any number of collections. A collection which lists references to basic products already registered in PDS would identify those products as its secondary members. For example, if all Voyager images were in one primary collection, an analyst could define a new (subset) collection containing images which had Saturn's rings within the field of view; each of those image products would be a secondary member of the new collection. A product's member status (primary or secondary) is based on its first association with the collection. Although the product may be omitted from a later version of the collection, it retains its primary or secondary member status through all subsequent versions of the collection based on its initial association. In a similar way, collections are categorized as having either primary or secondary 'member status' in their bundles. |
steward | A person or organization that manages a set of registered attributes and classes, typically as an agent for another or others. A registration authority must have at least one steward; it may have many. Stewards for PDS4 include PDS, the discipline nodes, and any mission wishing to conform to the PDS4 Information Model. |
subclass | In PDS4 a subclass is a class extension. Subclasses are more specialized versions of a class. They inherit attributes and behaviors from their parent classes, and they can have attributes of their own. For example, Array_2D is a PDS4 subclass of Array_Base. |
supplementary data | Additional archival material which is useful in understanding observational data. Examples include browse products, descriptions of instruments and other facilities important to data acquisition, information about observing geometry, calibrations, and observing and command logs. |
table | A two-dimensional data structure composed of records, which themselves are heterogeneous but which repeat throughout the table. For example, a table could have 20 ASCII records, each of which has a 10-character date field, a comma, an 8-character time field, a comma, a 3-digit integer temperature field, and a ‘carriagereturn line-feed' record delimiter. |
tag | Fundamental syntax in XML; a tag is a character string delimited by "<" and ">". For example "<date>" is a tag. |
tagged digital object | A digital object paired with its companion description object. [Note: In the OAIS RM this pair is known as an ‘information object']. |
tagged non-digital object | A physical object or a conceptual object paired with its companion description object. [Note: In the OAIS RM this pair is known as an ‘information object']. |
version identifier (VID) | An identifier which identifies the version of something else. |
versioned identifier (LIDVID) | The concatenation of a logical identifier (LID) with a version identifier (VID). |
XML attribute | An attribute-value pair that is inserted into an XML element to provide additional information, such as units; the value is always enclosed in double quotes. For example <date unit="year">2009</date> |
XML document | A file that contains syntactically correct XML-formatted text. |
XML editor | An editor, which has special features allowing XML tag completion, XML validation, etc. |
XML element | An XML structure that begins with <tag>, contains ‘content', and ends with </tag>. For example, "<date>200</date>" is an XML element establishing the date as 2009. The allowed ‘content' is specified in the PDS4 Information Model, which is propagated to the PDS4 Data Dictionary. |
XML label | A label written using XML. |
XML root tag | The first (and highest-level) XML tag in an XML document. |
XML schema | The definition of an XML document, specifying required and optional XML elements, their order, and parent-child relationships. |
XML tag | Same as tag. |
XML template | A text file which serves as a pattern for constructing XML documents. |
Mission specific acronyms, abbreviations and terms
Entries are taken from mission-produced documents.
mission specific

Term | Definition |
ACE | Flight Mission Controller |
ACM | Activity Constraint Manager |
ActID | Activity ID |
AD | Activity Dictionary |
ADR | Adaptive Data Rate |
AEGIS | Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (rover software for intelligent targeting & data acquisition) |
AFT | Allowable Flight Temperatures |
AM | Before noon (a.m. time) |
APAM | Activity Plan Approval Meeting |
APGEN | Activity Plan Generator |
APID | Applications Process Identification |
APSS | Activity Planning and Sequencing Subsystem |
APXS | Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer |
ART | Anomaly Response Team |
ATLO | Assembly, Test, and Launch Operations |
BASIE | Bridging Activity planning and Sequence Integration Engineer |
BATR | Bagnold Access Traverse |
BCB | Battery Controller Board |
BK | Buckskin (drill sample) |
BP | Blueprint |
BS | Big Sky (drill sample) |
C&DH | Command and Data Handling |
CAM | Command Approval Meeting |
CAP | Characterization Activity Phase |
CB | Cumberland (drill sample) |
CBM | Communication Behavior Manager |
CC | Contamination Control |
CCB | Change Control Board |
CCBU | ChemCam Body Unit |
CCCT | ChemCam Calibration Targets |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
CCL | Commerce Control List (for EAR) |
CCMU | ChemCam Mast Unit |
CDC | Condensed Drilling Campaign |
CDPID | Camera-assigned Data Product ID |
CDS | Central Data Store |
CEDL | Cruise & EDL |
CETN | Counter of Epithermal Neutrons |
CFO | Candidate for Observation |
CH | Confidence Hills (drill sample) |
ChemCam | Chemistry and Camera |
CheMin | Chemistry and Mineralogy |
CHIMRA | Collection and Handling for Interior Martian Rock Analysis |
CIA | Chemical Index of Alteration |
CM | Configuration Management |
CMSA | Cruise Mission Support Area |
CogE | Cognizant Engineer |
COM | Communication Window |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check, a data error detection technique |
CRISM | Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (on MRO) |
CS | Contact Science |
CSPL | Chemical Separation and Processing Laboratory (for SAM) |
CSV | Comma Separated Value |
CSW | Contact Switch |
CTN | Counter of Thermal Neutrons |
CTS | Coax Transfer Switch |
CTX | Context Camera (on MRO) |
DAN | Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons |
DAWG | Data Archive Working Group |
DB | Database |
DBE | Double Bit Error |
DD | Dust Devil |
DDI | Defined Data Item |
DE | Detectors/Electronics (on the DAN instrument) |
DEA | Digital Electronics Assembly (for MMM cameras) |
DEM | Digital Elevation Map |
DFE | Direct from Earth |
DL | Downlink |
DM | Data Management |
DMT | Data Management Tool |
DMX | Data Management |
DOD | Depth of Discharge |
DOF | Degree of Freedom |
DOM | Distributed Object Manager |
DOSA | Deactivate Other Sequences (All of them) |
DOY | Day of Year |
DP | Data Product |
DPSR | Data Product Summary Report |
DRT | Dust Removal Tool |
DSN | Deep Space Network |
DTE | Direct to Earth |
DV | Data Volume |
DVT | Data Validity Time (DVT approximately correlates to the SCLK time that the data product was created by the Rover Compute Element (RCE) |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations |
EBT | Electrical Baseline Test (for SAM) |
ECAM | Engineering Cameras (Navcams & Hazcams) |
ECCN | Export Control Classification Number (for EAR) |
ECR | Engineering Change Request |
ECS | Evolved Cached Sample (the new way of caching in CHIMRA) |
EDL | Entry, Descent, and Landing |
EDR | Experiment Data Record |
EGA | Evolved Gas Analysis |
EHA | Engineering Housekeeping and Accountability |
EKO | Engineering Keepout |
ELT | Electra Lite UHF radio |
EM | Extended Mission |
ENV | Atmosphere and Environment Science Theme Group |
EO | Engineering Operations |
EPO | Education and Public Outreach |
ERT | Earth Receive Time |
E/S | Engineering/Science |
ET | Earth Time |
E-Tray | Engineering Observation Tray |
ETT | Earth Transmit Time |
EUL | Engineering Uplink Lead |
EVR | Event Verification Record |
FEI | File Exchange Interface |
FHAZ | Front Hazcam |
FINCON | FINal CONditions (for SEQGEN) |
FL | Focal Length |
FMFT | Fast Motion Field Test (held in 2011) |
FMWI | Full MAHLI Wheel Imaging |
FOD | Foreign Object Debris |
FOV | Field of View |
FP | Fault Protection |
FR | Flight Rule |
FSTB | Flight Software Testbed |
FSW | Flight Software |
FSWX | Flight Software Transition (upgrade to a new version) |
FTA | First Time Activity |
GAZ CAL | Calibration of G (G = the winding conductance of a motor) |
GC | Gas Chromatograph |
GC | Garden City |
GCMS | Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer |
GCM | Global Circulation Model (atmosphere) |
GCR | Galactic Cosmic Ray |
GDS | Ground Data System |
GDSA | Ground Data System Analyst |
GEO | Geology Science Theme Group |
GH | Greenhorn (drill sample) |
GIL | Ground in the Loop (allows time for people on Earth to study downlink data from Mars) |
GOP | Group of Pictures (JPEG video frames) |
GST | Generic Sol Time (same as LMST) |
GTS | Ground Temperature Sensor (on REMS) |
Hazcam | Hazard avoidance camera |
HEOMD | Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate |
HePPI | Helpful Product Priority Identifier (for MMM products) |
HGA | High Gain Antenna |
HGAG | High Gain Antenna Gimbal |
HiRISE | High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (on MRO) |
HO | Handover |
HRIM | High Resolution Interval Mode (for the REMS Humidity Sensor) |
HRS | Heat Rejection System |
HS | Humidity Sensor |
HW | Hardware |
IC | Inlet Cover (inlets for SAM and CheMin) |
IE | Instrument Engineer |
IML | Instrument Management Layer (software for communication between RCE and the science instruments) |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
INCON | INitial CONditions (for SEQGEN) |
IPA | Integrated Pump Assembly |
IPE | Integrated Planning and Execution |
ISA | Incident, Surprise, Anomaly (report) |
ISR | Internal Series Resistance (of a battery) |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
IVP | Inertial Vector Pointing |
JK | John Klein (drill sample) |
KO | Kickoff |
KOP | Keeper of the Plan |
LAP | Look Ahead Plan |
LAPM | Look Ahead Plan Meeting |
LCA | Launch, Cruise, and Approach |
LCC | Load Control Card |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LGA | Low Gain Antenna |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LIBS | Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (in ChemCam) |
LL | Local Level (coordinate frame) |
LMST | Local Mean Solar Time |
LOCO | LOw COmplexity LOssless COmpression |
LOS | Line of Sight |
LS | Listing (of DMX files) |
LST | Local Solar Time |
LTP | Long Term Planner |
LTST | Local True Solar Time |
MAHLI | Mars Hand Lens Imager |
MARDI | Mars Descent Imager |
MaROS | Mars Relay Operations Service |
Mastcam | Mast Camera |
MAVEN | Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN |
MDM | MMM Data Management Lead |
MEDLI | Mars EDL Instrument |
MER | Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit & Opportunity rovers) |
MEX | Mars Express |
MGS | Mars Global Surveyor |
MIF | Mass-Independent Fractionation (for example: MIF-S for sulfur isotopes) |
MIN | Inorganic Geochemistry and Mineralogy Science Theme Group |
MiniKOP | KOP for a Science Theme Group |
MJ | Mojave 2 (drill sample) |
MM | Mission Manager |
MMM | Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI instruments |
MMPAT | Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool |
MMRTG | MultiMission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
MMS | Mojave Mars Simulant |
MOB | Mobility |
MPCS | Mission data Processing and Control Subsystem |
MPSEditor | Mission Planning and Sequencing Editor |
MRO | Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter |
MRS-1 | Mars Regolith Simulant-1 |
MS | Mission System |
M/S | Master/Submaster |
MSA | Mission Support Area |
MSAR | Mount Sharp Ascent Route |
MSL | Mars Science Laboratory |
MSLICE | Mars Science Laboratory InterfaCE (software) |
M/SM | Master/Submaster Walkthrough |
MSoB | Mount Sharp or Bust (working group) |
MSSS | Malin Space Science Systems |
MSTB | Mission System Testbed |
MTIF | MSL Telecom Interface |
MTL | MMM Tactical Lead |
MySQL | My Structured Query Language |
NAIF | Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility |
NAND | N(OT) + AND (a type of nonvolatile storage) |
NAV | Navigation |
Navcam | Navigation camera |
nextersol | tomorrow's Mars day (or "solorrow") |
NG | noble gas |
NOPE | Network Operations Planning Engineer |
NPM | Nonvolatile Parameter Management |
NSYT | InSight |
NVM | Nonvolatile Memory |
NVMCAM | Nonvolatile Memory Camera Interface |
OCM | Organic Check Material |
ODS | Operational Data Store |
ODY | Mars Odyssey |
OIA | Operational Interface Agreement |
OPGS | Operational Product Generation Subsystem |
ORT | Operational Readiness Test |
O-Tray | Observation Tray |
OWLT | One Way Light Time |
PADS | Powder Acquisition Drill System |
PAM | Power & Analog Module |
PDC | Payload Downlink Coordinator |
PDI | Post-Drive Imaging |
PDL | Payload Downlink Lead |
PDS | Planetary Data System |
PEF | Predicted Events File |
PEL | Payload Element Lead |
PEL | Power Equipment List |
PFR | Problem Failure Report |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PIRCC | Pahrump Imaging Reconnaissance and ChemCam Campaign |
PLACES | Position Localization and Attitude Correction Estimate Storage |
PLS | Partial Least Squares |
PM | Afternoon (p.m. time) |
PNG | Pulsing Neutron Generator (on DAN) |
PP | Planetary Protection |
PRML | Preview Rover Markup Language |
PRT | Platinum Resistance Thermometer |
PSD | Planetary Science Division |
PSE | Project System Engineer |
PSG | Project Science Group |
PRI | Priority |
PUDL | Payload Uplink and Downlink Lead |
PUL | Payload Uplink Lead |
QL | QuickLook data product |
QMDT | Qualification Model Dirty Testing (for SA/SPaH) |
QMS | Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer |
RA | Robotic Arm |
RAD | Radiation Assessment Detector |
RAD750 | BAE Systems' radiation-hardened single board version of the IBM PowerPC 750 computer |
RAMP | Rover Avionics Mounting Plate |
RAMPAGE | Remote Access Multi-mission Processing and Ground Environment |
RBAU | Rover Battery Assembly Unit |
RBF | Rover Body Fixed coordinate frame |
RCE | Rover Compute Element (rover computer) |
RCT | Record Creation Time |
RDR | Reduced Data Record |
REPRI | Reprioritize |
REMS | Rover Environmental Monitoring Station |
REU | Remote Engineering Unit |
REXMIT | Retransmit |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFA | Request For Action |
RHAZ | Rear Hazcam |
RIMU | Rover IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) |
RIPA | Rover Integrated Pump Assembly |
RMC | Rover Motion Counter |
RMI | Remote Microscopic Imager (in ChemCam) |
RMCA | Rover Motor Controller Assembly |
RMSEP | Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction |
RN | Rocknest (scoop sample) |
RNAV | Rover Navigation (coordinate frame) |
ROP | Rate of Penetration |
RoSE | Robotic Sequence Editor |
RP | Rover Planner |
RPA | Rover Power Assembly |
RPAM | Rover Power and Analog Module |
RPFA | Rover Pyro Fire Assembly |
RSM | Remote Sensing Mast |
RSVP | Rover Sequencing and Visualization Program |
RT | Real-time |
R-T | Rapid-Traverse |
RTG | Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator |
RTO | Real Time Operations |
RTR | Rapid Transit Route (to Mount Sharp) |
RTS | Resource Tracking System |
SAM | Sample Analysis at Mars |
SAPE | Science Activity Planning Exercise (held in 2008) |
SAPP | Surface Attitude, Positioning, and Pointing |
SA-SPaH | Sample Acquisition/Sample Processing, and Handling (arm, drill, scoop, sieves, portioners) |
SATT | Sample Analysis Thread Test |
SB | Science Block (in the activity plan) |
SBE | Single Bit Error |
S/C | Spacecraft |
SCET | Spacecraft Event Time (UTC time an event happens aboard the spacecraft) |
SCLK | Spacecraft Clock |
SCMF | Space Command Message File |
SD | Science Discussion (meeting) |
SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory |
SDST | Small Deep Space Transponder |
SEP | Solar Energetic Particle |
SEP | Sun-Earth-Probe (important angle used for conjunction planning) |
SEQ | Sequence or Sequencing |
SeqDB | Sequence database |
SEQGEN | SEQuence validation and command product GENeration |
SFP | System Fault Protection |
SIE | Sequence Integration Engineer |
SIRLi | Strategic Image Request List |
SIS | Software Interface Specification |
SMFT | Slow Motion Field Test (held in 2007) |
SMM | Strategic Mission Manager |
SMMWG | Surface Materials & Mobility Working Group |
SMSA | Surface Mission Support Area |
SNC | Shergottites, Nakhlites, and Chassignites (martian meteorites) |
SNTT | Surface Nominal Thread Test |
SO | Science Operations |
SOAS | Science Operations & Analysis Subsystem |
SOC | State of Charge |
SOE | Sequence of Events |
SOH | State of Health |
soliday | holiday from planning the rover's next sol, due to the alignment of Mars and Earth time |
solorrow | tomorrow's Mars day (or "nextersol") |
SOWG | Science Operations Working Group |
SP | Science Planner |
SPAM | Sample Processing Acquisition Manager |
SPaSIE | Science Planner + Sequence Integration Engineer (a combined role) |
SPICE | Spacecraft, Planet, Instrument, Pointing C-Matrix, and Event Kernels |
SPL | Strategic Planning Lead |
SPS | Surface Properties Scientist |
SPWI | Single Position Wheel Imaging |
SRAP | Slip Risk Assessment Process |
SRW | Sequence Report Walkthrough |
SSF | Spacecraft Sequence File |
SSP | Strategic Science Planner |
SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
SSS | Surface Sampling System |
SSS AL | Surface Sampling System Activity Lead |
ST | Schedule Table (for the REMS instrument) |
STAG | Supra-Tactical Approval Gate |
STG | Science Theme Group |
STL | Science Theme Group Lead |
STR | Safest Transit Route |
STR | Strategic Transit Route |
STT | System Thermal Test |
SUL | Strategic Uplink Lead |
SUR | Science Uplink Representative |
SUROM | Startup Read-Only Memory (ROM) |
SuTL | Supra Tactical Lead |
SYS | System |
TAA | Technical Assistance Agreement (ITAR license for export compliance) |
TACT | Tactical Activity Coordination Tagup |
TAM | Target Acquisition Meeting |
TAP | Tactical Activity Plan |
TB | Testbed |
TC | Team Chief |
TCS | Thermal Control System |
TDL | Tactical Downlink Lead |
TEC | Thermo Electric Cooler |
TEL | Telecommunications |
TFA | Two-Factor Authentication |
TLS | Tunable Laser Spectrometer |
TOAST | Touch, Overnight, Stow Arm, and Traverse |
TOD | Time of Day |
tosol | martian "today" |
TP | Telegraph Peak (drill sample) |
TT | Thread Test |
TUL | Tactical Uplink Lead |
TWTA | Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier |
UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
UL | Uplink |
ULSGEN | Uplink Summary Generation |
UMT | Upload Management Table |
USML | U.S. Munitions List (for ITAR) |
UVS | UV Spectrometer |
V&V (VnV) | Verification and Validation |
VDP | Virtual Data Product |
VI | Verification Item |
VIG | Volatiles and Isotope Geochemistry Science Theme Group |
VIPER | Visual Predicted Events File (PEF) Reader |
VNV | Verification and Validation |
V&V | Verification and Validation |
VO | Visual Odometry |
VOCA | Voice Operational Communications Assembly |
VOM | Visual Odometry Monitoring (VO run continuously to monitor for rover slip) |
VSTB | Vehicle System Testbed |
VTT | Visual Target Tracking |
WEB | Warm Electronics Box |
WJ | Windjana (drill sample) |
WP | Waypoint |
WRP | Wide Range Pump (in SAM) |
WS | Wind Sensor |
WSTS | Workstation Test Set |
WTS | Waveguide Transfer Switch |
XRD | X-ray Diffraction |
yestersol | martian "yesterday" |
YKB | Yellowknife Bay |